The journey toward ending your suffering
You need to die first while you are still alive, to live a life that is meaningful and purposeful
If you turned this book and you are reading this, you are on the right track and Yes this is a sign of the Universe; that you are holding this right now, even if you are still wondering whether this book is for you…
All the steps, and synchronicities have brought you right here, right now. And while we hear so much about many different modalities, paths and journeys in spirituality, the Unnamed work will be your guide and help you dive into various healing and transformational aspects of your life. Because you are so unique and this work is so unique it will remain unnamed… Same as no one can put a name on you, or put you into a box… If you want to learn about how you can be the alchemist of your life, the magician of unexplained situations or simply be Free of pain; because you understand its polarities in any of its shapes or forms, you have come to the right place. Take this key and dive with me into the Unnamed work; lets open together the doors of how we can learn to surf on the waves of suffering rather than being crushed by it…